Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Vice Mag Fr 18 Mai 2012 - 18:19
Die Zeitschrift beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit zeitgenössischer Jugendkultur, beinhaltet aber auch kontroverse Themen wie Sex, Drogen, Gewalt und auch internationale sowie nationale soziale Probleme und politische Konflikte. Vice ist für ihre direkte und selbstironische Berichterstattung bekannt. Das Zielpublikum des Magazins sind „kritische, trendbesessene und kulturbestimmte Großstadtbewohner, zwischen 21 und 40 Jahre alt“.
Vice ist nicht in Zeitschriftenläden zu finden, sondern liegt in sogenannten Lifestyle-Adressen, von Modegeschäften bis zu Plattenläden, gratis zur Mitnahme aus. Das Magazin finanziert sich größtenteils durch Anzeigen. Das Magazin wurde 1994 im kanadischen Montreal von den drei arbeitslosen Freunden Suroosh Alvi, Shane Smith and Gavin McInnes gegründet und begann als Subkultur-Fanzine unter dem Namen „Voice of Montreal“. Anfangs wurde es von der Regierung finanziell unterstützt als Teil eines Projektes, das Arbeitsplätze und Jobchancen schaffen sollte. Die Redakteure wollten sich 1996 von ihrem ursprünglichen Herausgeber Alix Laurent unabhängig machen. Sie kauften ihm die Rechte ab und benannten das Magazin in „Vice“ um. Um den Anzeigenverkauf an Streetwear-Firmen zu verbessern, zog die Hauptredaktion 2002 nach New York City um.
Suicide Forest in Japan
The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuroi Jukai was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in the forest, people started taking their own lives there at a rate of 50 to 100 deaths a year. The site holds so many bodies that the Yakuza pays homeless people to sneak into the forest and rob the corpses. The authorities sweep for bodies only on an annual basis, as the forest sits at the base of Mt. Fuji and is too dense to patrol more frequently.
Inside North Korea - VICE Travel
Vice founder Shane Smith managed to get into North Korea after a year and half of trying and is witness to the craziness of this hermit nation. Crazy is actually kind of an understatement.
War and Terror in Liberia
Charles G. Taylor, former President of Liberia and warlord, has been convicted by an international tribunal of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including rape, murder, and the use of child soldiers. He is the first head of state to be found guilty by an international court since the Nuremberg trials. In 2009, VICE went to Liberia to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of Liberia's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution.
Einige interessante und etwas "andere" Dokus aus der Welt wie wir sie hier bei uns wohl ehr nicht alltäglich wahrnehmen, doch für andere den Alltag bedeutet. Vice handelt nach dem Motto: "A documentary a day keeps the ignorance away."
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Fr 18 Mai 2012 - 18:52
Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug
A homemade drug called Krokodil is gaining popularity in Siberia and its effects on users are horrific. Krokodil is Russian for Crocodile, because of the way addicts' skin begins to get turn scaly, dry and eventually rot right off their bodies. Even most heroin users are frightened by Krokodil and want nothing to do with this terrifying drug.
Fashion Week Internationale - Nigeria
In the season finale of Fashion Week Internationale, while taking part in the the butt shaking, catwalks, yachts, and glamour of Fashion Week in Lagos, VICE also gets a better understanding of what it's like to be gay in a notoriously homophobic society - where same sex marriage is criminalized yet the fashionistas still claim that to get to the top in Nigerian society, you have to be gay.
Fashion Week Internationale - Cambodia
Charlet arrives in Phnom Penh and heads to the first show of Cambodia's innagural fashion week, where some models hit the runway "acting stoned." It's followed (naturally) by a tranny-zombie after party. Charlet then meets Phen Chou, a factory worker who was beaten by the police when she led protests for garment factory workers' rights.
Fashion Week Internationale - Islamabad
Charlet travels to Islamabad for Pakistan's second ever fashion week. Despite the constant threat of extremist violence, she discovers a thriving and fabulous fashion industry lead by the irrepressible style guru of Pakistan, Tariq Amin. We meet Pakistan's only rapper, who reveals that, for him, three porn stars would make him happier than 72 virgins. We also cross paths with a designer who thinks "the whole Muslim world needs to relax... big time!"
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Fr 18 Mai 2012 - 21:18
North Korean Labor Camps
North Korea has come up with a new way to bring cold hard cash into its isolated country: export North Korean workers to slave away in the Siberian forest (often without telling them they're no longer in North Korea). We set out to investigate these camps and almost landed ourselves in quite a bit of trouble.
Teenage Riot: Athens
Upon arriving in Athens we find a city whose streets are disappearing under uncollected waste. There's a sense of desperation overcoming the citizens. In the run up to a 48-hour national strike we meet teenage anarchists who are desperate for police blood, communists praying for revolution, and civil servants struggling to understand what has happened to their country.
Black Market Shopping with Pakistani Gun Runners
In 2006, Suroosh Alvi was one of a handful of journalists who was able to get into the massive guns market in Pakistan's tribal areas -- home base for the Taliban since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. He returned to Pakistan this month and found the entire country was a "powder keg ready to explode."
True Norwegian Black Metal
An introduction to the Black Metal scene of Bergen, Norway with Gorgoroth.
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Mi 30 Mai 2012 - 22:33
VICE Guide to Karachi (Trailer)
Sure, we hear about violence in Pakistan all the time, but in 2011, more than three times as many people were killed in Karachi than the number of people killed in American drone strikes in the tribal areas. VICE explores the seedy underbelly of this ultra-violent metropolis of more than eighteen million people, and meet the players who make Karachi one of the craziest cities on earth.
Conflict Minerals, Rebels and Child Soldiers in Congo
Warlords, soldiers, and child laborers all toil over a mineral you've never even heard of. Coltan is a conflict mineral in nearly every cell phone, laptop, and electronic device. It's also tied to the deaths of over 5 million people in Congo since 1990.
Industrial Design for Outer Space
Designing the interior of a spacecraft may be more difficult than you think. When dealing with long tearm confinement, everything from the shape of a chair to the color of the wall could have an effect on a crew members mental stability. This is truly a mix of design, engineering and straight forward problem solving.
Btw. hier noch mal meine Empfehlung, Vice produziert wirklich so ziemlich die schrägsten und riskantesten Dokus, anschauen lohnt sich, macht einen einiges bewusst wie es außerhalb unserer "Wohlstandsfestung" Europa aussieht, aber es gibt auch zukunftsoptimistische Dokus oder einfach interessantes Zeug das man hier sicherlich selten zu sehen bekommt
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Sa 7 Jul 2012 - 15:38
The Business of War: SOFEX
SOFEX is where the world's leading generals come to buy everything from handguns to laser-guided missile systems. It stands for "Special Operations Forces Exhibition Conference" and it's essentially a trade-show where just about anyone with enough money can buy the most powerful weapons in the world.
Der Militärisch-industrielle Komplex feiert keine Partys? Hier ist der Gegenbeweis!
How to Buy Nukes on the Black Market
On the black market in Bulgaria enough money can buy anything from women and drugs to fully functioning nuclear warheads.
Shane Smith and Eddy Moretti shop for dirty bombs in the Bulgarian black market. After you see the relative ease with which they were able to meet a real, in the flesh, black market arms dealer, you'll be stocking up on gas masks and radiation sickness pills. We know we are.
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Fr 13 Jul 2012 - 20:58
How to Hitchhike Across America: Thumbs Up with David Choe
The trip begins: David Choe hitchhikes his way across these United States by (other people's) trains, cars, and boats.
Einfach ne geniale Doku, Menschen mit Fernweh werden hier am Ende der Doku (wie ich) den Tränen nahe sein! Eine lustige, abenteuerliche Reise quer durch die USA. Das Ende der Doku könnte nicht passender sein, die USA sind eklig, hässlich, verrückt, schön, chaotisch, frei, gefangen, einfach eine leidenschaftliche Hassliebe!
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Fr 13 Jul 2012 - 23:12
Life or Death in the Gaza Strip
We finally got a rare glimpse of the embattled Gaza Strip and a chance to see what life was like under the rule of Hamas. In 2007 we tried and failed to get into Gaza through the Israeli-controlled Erez Crossing. Back then the rival Palestinian factions of Hamas and Fatah were engaged in a bloody war for control of this tiny strip of land. Hamas won. When the post-Mubarak government of Egypt decided to start letting small numbers of folks into Gaza through their Rafah Crossing, we knew we could finally enter the region.
Auch wieder ein Einblick in eine komplizierte Region voller Widersprüche und Konflikte die scheinbar nie gelöst werden.
Shooting the Biggest Guns Money Can Buy
We wen't to Arizona to shoot some absolutely ridiculous and unnecessarily huge guns. Thomas gets a lesson in heavy artillery at the Big Sandy Shoot, where gun enthusiasts gather in Arizona's western desert to test their rifles, canons, and machine guns.
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Do 2 Aug 2012 - 22:30
The Taliban in Pakistan
We went to Pakistan to invesitage why suicide bombings, IED use, and the Taliban are all growing at alarming rates.
In a recent trip to Pakistan to report on the recent spike in the region's violence and bloodshed, Suroosh Alvi heard over and over the same sentiment from people on the ground: America's war on terror is falling flat on its face. The military conflict in neighboring Afghanistan, repeatedly cited by locals, sends a constant flood of guns, refugees, militants, and heroin flowing into Pakistan. Heroin is now actually cheaper than hashish in cities like Lahore, and the Kalashnikov culture, the foundation of which was laid 30 years ago when the CIA financed the mujahideen, is all-consuming. According to the Pakistanis he spoke to, it's all taken a devastating toll on the country and is creating the next generation of militants.
Ein interessanter Einblick in die Region in der die Taliban noch nicht so lange aktiv sind, auch ein Einblick warum der Krieg in Afghanistan keinerlei Wirkung zeigt, im Gegenteil. Nach der Flutkatastrophe in Pakistan waren es die Taliban die effektiv und lokal geholfen haben, nicht der US-Imperialismus. Ich denke das Spiel wird sich irgendwann so wenden wie bei den Römern und Goten. Religiöser Extremismus wird mit jedem neuen Drohnenangriff bestärkt und nicht bekämpft.
Female Fighters of Kurdistan
From Boudica of the British Celts to Corporal Klinger, few things unsettle the male mind like a lady in arms. The Kurds of Northern Iraq have long recognized this principle and incorporated it into their quest to build a Kurdish homeland in the overlap between Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. Fighting alongside their male comrades in a region not exactly known for its progressive stance on women's rights, the female Peshmerga guerillas of the Kurdish Liberation Movement built a reputation for themselves in the 70s and 80s as demure diaboliques with the deadly poise of Leila Khaled or Tania-era Patty Hearst.
Hier mal der Kontrast zum obigen Video, hier ist es der westlich geprägte kurdische Einfluss auf seine "Nachbar" Länder die ja eigentlich inmitten von Kurdistan liegen, ein Land was für sein Existenzrecht kämpft und dabei einen recht weltoffenen Eindruck macht. Doch ich empfinde den kurdischen Grundgedanken als erstes Zeichen für positive Veränderungen im norden des Iraks. Doch für die Türkei ist es noch immer eine problematische Situation. Wo doch die Türkei ähnlich wie die Kurden recht westlich geprägt sind. Btw. gibt einige recht hübsche Frauen in den Reihen des kurdischen Widerstands.
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Di 28 Aug 2012 - 21:54
David Icke: Conspiracy of the Lizard Illuminati
Conspiracy theorist David Icke takes us to a local satanic execution site and discusses the plot of the secret lizard illuminati. We traveled to the Isle of Wight to meet the most iconic conspiracy theorist on Earth, David Icke. A former professional goalkeeper and television presenter, David Icke found international fame back in the 90s when he began uncovering a secret lizard illuminati plot. Icke discovered that a race of shape-shifting lizards has been masquerading as presidents and monarchs for centuries while planning to crush the planet.
In Part 2, Icke takes VICE host Kevin Morpurgo to the site of a local Satanic execution and explains what the global cabal of pedophile aliens has to do with Stanley Kubrick and Bill Clinton.
Ich bin durch David Icke eine Zeit tief in die VT Szene abgedriftet und habe durchaus interessante Theorien gefunden, doch inzwischen betrachte ich das ganze mit großem Abstand, es stecken zwar Halbwahrheiten darin doch das große und Ganze ist es eben nicht, es bleibt bei interessanten Theorien, die mich inzwischen auch irgendwie zum schmunzeln bringen. Wenn man das ganze jedoch nicht mir zu viel Ernst betrachtet bleibt es aber noch immer interessant
cRAwler23 Parteielite
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7078 Alter : 37 Ort : Magdeburg Anmeldedatum : 20.10.07
Thema: Re: Vice Mag Mi 29 Aug 2012 - 0:08
Hitchhiking from Tijuana to the North Pole: Thumbs Up with David Choe
David and Harry begin their second great trek, starting from Tijuana and plotting a course up the West Coast, through Canada, and to the "North Pole".
Hitchhiking Across China: Thumbs Up with David Choe
Despite not knowing a word of Chinese and having absolutely no money, David Choe and Harry Kim decided to hitchhike clear across China.
Ich liebe diese Anhalterserien mit David Choe, einziges Problem an der Sache (oder auch Motivation) ist ne ordentliche Portion Fernweh, die beiden Anhalter sind mir einfach absurd sympathisch, so nen bissel die koreanische Version von Jay and Silent Bob